HB's Thoughts

If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?!

Competence - Pro


Vue Router & Main file Link to the article

When starting a new Vue project, I use the Quick Start section of the Vue website. Then, I make a few small changes before adding the project to the Source Control bank.

Competence: Pro

Removing the trailing slash from the URLs in Nuxt Link to the article

Every page on your website should have unique content. If you have a second page with the same content, the weight of the information for the search engines is divided between the two, and this greatly reduces their chances of appearing earlier in the search results.

Competence: Pro
Tags: NuxtSEO

Nitro, i18n and Dev Proxy Link to the article

When you use Nuxt, it is normal to use Nitro as well, but sometimes this does not fit into the scenario you have been prepared for. The API requests are handled by another back-end server and in order to develop the application locally, a proxy must be set up.

Competence: Pro
Tags: NuxtNitro

One entry point for multiple sites Link to the article

We have an application that represents a microsite, and when you load it, you see a login page. Our clients provide it to their users. After a user logs in, data related to the client they belong to and the permissions assigned by our client are loaded.

Competence: Pro