HB's Thoughts

If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question?!

Competence - Geek


Simple Vue plugin for geo location Link to the article

When I write a plugin, I think of it as a standalone piece of code that has its own logic and is independent of where it will be used. This is not entirely true, of course, but when designing a plugin, I always start from this idea. After all, every system has its own logic and architecture that must be followed - especially for outgoing data.

Competence: Geek

Log info with Web Workers from Vue 3 to the server Link to the article

Web Workers are small, powerful scripts that run in the browser's background. And because they don't interfere with the rendering of your application, you can load them with various tasks to perform.

Competence: Geek

Parcel & Robots Link to the article

There are different ways to tell ParcelJS which files are static and should not go through the build transformation, but if there are only a few, you can activate the transformers plugin and then include them directly in the build script in the package.json file.

Competence: Geek
Tags: Parcel